Wednesday 18 May 2016

The Return of the oLdSkOoLz GaMeR!!

OMG gamers,
First off welcome back to my blog it has been a long absence and I apologise. My last blogs were around E3 2014, my has the gaming world changed since then. 
   PS4 is still going strong, Xbox One have played some serious catch up, and Nintendo are prepping to announce their latest entrance into next gen consoles due March next year apparently.
                THE GAMES!!!!!
There have been some amazing games over the last year to name a few Rise of the Tomb Raider was amazing, Fallout 4 has proved a popular title within the series. But my favourite so far for next gen releases has to be Quantum Break, the game is amazing from start to finish, and if you've been on the fence about buying an Xbox One, then this is the game to get you started. It's story drew me in from the opening moments and had me captivated until the final credits. The game involves gameplay intertwined with a live action to series (Think Netflix) the choices you make during the game effect which episode you see and slightly changes the course of the game moving forward.
  Gameplay is smooth and fluid with some cool moves to achieve and master. I could ramble on about this game forever but I won't as I don't want to spoil any of it. It truly has to be played to believe.
    Stay tuned for more gaming news including games, consoles, and I'll also be updating my blog to provide you all with links to my Twitch Streams and YouTube channel. Play hard, game on and please feel free to leave comments on gaming news you'd like covered, or games you'd like to see me stream over Twitch...

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